![]() This weekend is always hard for us step parents so I wanna talk to you for a moment. “But doesn’t it bother you? Not having kids of your own. Not being married?” She asked me this after I’d explained that with my medical issues, no I would not be having kids of my own. She was the kind of person who just blurted questions and instead of being offended it was actually refreshing. As far as Lyft rides this one was a weird one but because she was so chatty and warm I found myself responding instead of pretending to receive a phone call. Well yeah...YES. It bothers me not having had a baby. It hurts. It’s a hurt only some know but it’s there and every now and then it’s there to ruin my day. But I do have 2 kids in my life I love more than anything. I really do. I’m a parent through circumstance and luck. Being a step mom or bonus mom is the single most treasured title I own. But Mother’s Day is rough on us Step Mom’s generally. We aren’t always counted in this holiday. This is for all of you step mamas: You are loved and so important in the lives of the kids who came into your life. You have gone through school projects, and holidays, and picking out dresses or special occasion clothes with these kids. You’ve hugged them when they’re hurting and played with them when you were exhausted because you love them. You worked hard to make dinners special, to plan surprises and even to make sure they got gifts or made cards for their Mom on every single holiday and birthday. You’ve also lost your shit a time or two because WHY ARE THEY YELLING AT EACH OTHER JUST GET ALONG DAMNIT. Just me? As they got older you started giving advice and guidance and adolescence happened out of nowhere. The relationship is one that is stronger than this holiday. You have their trust and they have yours. Some of your happiest moments have been with these kids and their Dad. You love them like all of their parents love them. From me to you this weekend Happy Mother’s Day step mama’s. You are incredible and have a truly giving heart. ❤️❤️❤️
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May 2019
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